Selon des résultats officiels préliminaires, 94,6 % des électeurs tunisiens qui se sont rendus aux urnes ont voté “oui” à l’adoption de la nouvelle Constitution proposée par le président Kaïs Saïed. Une victoire en demi-teinte,

The Time Has Come For A Real And Genuine Marshall Plan For Africa
Marshall Plan for Europe As is well known, the Marshall Plan (1) was an American initiative adopted in 1948 that allowed, (2) through the provision of financial facilities, substantial investment in the economic recovery of

Nigeria: Start Of Production From The Ikike Field
TotalEnergies, OML99 operator (40%) in partnership with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC, 60%), announced Monday the start of production from the Ikike field, in Nigeria. Located 20 kilometers off the coast, at a depth

Russia’s Lavrov In Republic Of Congo To Seek Allies, Deflect Western Criticism
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is on a first-ever visit to the Republic of Congo as part of a four-nation tour of Africa to seek support against Western pressure over its invasion of Ukraine and

Deep Cuts In Funds For African Drought Victims As Money Flows To Europe
The war in Ukraine is draining millions of dollars away from crises in Africa as funds are being redirected to Europe. Somalia, facing a food shortage largely driven by the war, could be the most

Burkina Faso : l’ambassadeur de France, franc ou injurieux ?
Au Burkina Faso, certaines organisations de la société civile et des acteurs politiques réclament le départ de l’ambassadeur français, Luc Hallade, suite à des propos « discourtois ». En manque de majorité absolue, le gouvernement

Russia’s Lavrov in DR Congo as Moscow courts Africa
Lavrov has already visited Egypt and will head to Uganda as Moscow aims at strengthening its ties with the continent. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has visited the Republic of the Congo, the second leg

UN: Libya is `highly volatile’ and elections are needed soon
Libya is mired in a constitutional and political stalemate that has sparked increasing clashes, a dire economic situation and demonstrations across the country by frustrated citizens, a senior U.N. official said Monday. Assistant Secretary-General Martha

RSF assault civilians in Sudan’s North Kordofan
At least six people were wounded in an attack by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on the market of Abu Hajjar and some of the other neighbourhoods of the town in North Kordofan on Saturday.

Strengthening Sahelian Counterinsurgency Strategy
Adapting Sahelian force structures to lighter, more mobile, and integrated units will better support the population-centric COIN practices needed to reverse the escalating trajectory of violent extremist attacks.