The Italian Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi said that the Palermo Conference has the backing of the heads of the European diplomats, according to the Italian news agency Aki.
Italian Foreign Ministry official in Tripoli to prepare for Palermo Conference on Libya
Italian Deputy Foreign Minister Emanuela Claudia Del Re arrived in Tripoli on Monday heading a high-level government delegation. Upon her arrival, she held talks with Libyan Foreign Minister Mohammed Sayala on both countries’ relations. She
France allocates 650,000 Euros for UN electoral project in Libya
The French embassy in Libya announced Friday the allocation of six hundred and fifty thousand euros to contribute to the UN electoral project in Libya, which is entitled “To Promote Elections For The Libyan People”.
EU appoints new ambassador to Libya
The Libyan Foreign Minister Mohammed Sayala received Thursday the new European Union’s ambassador to Libya Alan Bugeja.
Francophonie: Emmanuel Macron et Michaëlle Jean prononcent deux discours antagonistes
Deux visions divergentes se sont exprimées lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture du XVIIe sommet de la Francophonie. Le Français Emmanuel Macron veut un espace où «personne n’a de leçon à donner». La secrétaire générale sortante,
Francophonie: l’Arabie saoudite reporte sa demande d’adhésion à l’OIF
Quelques heures avant l’ouverture du sommet d’Erevan, l’Arabie saoudite a décidé de reporter sa demande d’adhésion à l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF). Cette décision devrait éviter un débat qui s’annonçait vigoureux entre les chefs
Western Sahara: Colin Stewart to Give Briefing on MINURSO, UN Report
Colin Stewart, special representative of the UN secretary General for Western Sahara will host a briefing on MINURSO Thursday, October 11. Stewart, who is also head of UN mission in Western Sahara, also known as
France to Compete with Russia and Ukraine to Export Wheat to Morocco
Morocco and France have signed a partnership agreement on cereals. France showed interest in exporting its wheat to the Moroccan market…The three-year agreement will enable the two parties to develop their training for grain milling
UK vows £1.5 million for ERW and mines removal project in Benghazi
UK’s ambassador to Libya, Frank Baker, announced Monday in a televised statement that his country had pledged £1.5 million to a project that aims to remove explosive remnants of war (ERW) and mines from Libya’s
Francophonie: l’épineuse candidature de l’Arabie saoudite
La Gambie, l’Irlande, l’État américain de la Louisiane et Malte ont demandé à intégrer l’Organisation internationale de la francophonie (OIF) à l’occasion du sommet d’Erevan. Les chefs d’État doivent aussi se prononcer sur le cas,