The US military launched its second airstrike against the Islamic state near the town of Murzuq in the past week. Eleven Islamic State fighters were reportedly killed in yesterday’s operation.
Islamic State trains in Somalia’s Puntland
In photos released online yesterday, the Islamic State showed fighters within its Somali branch training in a makeshift camp in Somalia’s northern Puntland region.
Egyptian officials say police kill 15 militants in Sinai
Egyptian security forces say police have killed 15 suspected militants in a shootout in the restive northern part of the Sinai Peninsula.
Targeting militants, Nigeria to require ID cards in the northeast
Nigeria will require anyone moving through three northeastern states to carry identification cards in an effort to root out members of Boko Haram and Islamic State, the army said on Sunday.
Boko Haram: Govt hires 200 special hunters to fight terrorists in Borno
Worried by the increasing Boko Haram attacks on Gubio town and its environs, the Caretaker Chairman of Gubio Local Government Area of Borno State, Hon Zanna Modu, has hired the services of 200 special hunters
Somalia’s al Shabaab raid military base, loot weapons
Fighters belonging to Somali Islamist militant group al Shabaab stormed an army base near the capital Mogadishu on Sunday, looted it for weapons and then withdrew, a military source, residents and the group told Reuters.
Ethiopia says it detains suspected Islamist militants planning attacks
Ethiopia said on Saturday it had arrested an unspecified number of Islamist militant members of the Somali group al Shabaab and Islamic State who were planning to carry out attacks in the country on various
Al-Shabab Attack Kills 20 Somali Soldiers
At least 20 Somali government soldiers were killed and 18 others were wounded when al-Shabab raided a military base south of Mogadishu, security sources told VOA Somali.
U.S. kills 8 Islamic State fighters in Libya airstrike
The U.S. military killed eight Islamic State fighters yesterday in the first recorded airstrike against the group in more than one year.
Saudi Arabia vows to prove Iran backed ‘terrorist attack’ on oil facilities
Saudi Arabia on Wednesday said it would reveal evidence showing Iran was behind the attack on its oil facilities as Tehran threatened to retaliate “immediately” if any action is taken against it.