A viral video is being misrepresented to suggest the presence of Westerners fighting for Boko Haram. A video is being shared online alongside claims that it shows Nigerian military forces with dead Canadian and French
Sahara Occidental : Brahim Ghali explique sa stratégie du 3ème mandat
Alors qu’il a été réélu à la majorité absolue à la tête du front Polisario vendredi, Brahim Ghali a dévoilé ses ambitions pour le mouvement indépendantiste sahraoui. Interviewé dans le cadre du Congrès réunissant 2200
Les attaques djihadistes aux portes de Bamako
Début janvier 2023, deux attaques djihadistes coordonnées ont visé deux postes non loin de la capitale malienne. Ce qui suscite les inquiétudes des habitants de Bamako. Après le nord et le centre, le sud du
A Breakthrough in Sudan’s Impasse?
Sudan’s military leader, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, says the army will step aside to make way for a civilian government. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Alan Boswell discusses why a solution for the political
A Critical Window to Bolster Sudan’s Next Government
A deal between Sudan’s military and its factious political elites has opened the door to installing a civilian government. Signatories should work to win broader support during the current phase of negotiations, while outside actors
Russia Scrambling For Africa’s Resources – OpEd
An undeniable fact is that Africa’s G5 Sahel (Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger) and Central African Republic (CAR) have bartered their natural resources for Soviet-era and Russian military weapons and equipment. The G5
Sergey Lavrov Back To Africa With A Vengeance – Analysis
To call it a new ‘scramble for Africa’, as some like to do, is clearly hyperbolic. Nonetheless, it can’t be denied that the Big Powers are energetically wooing Africa as relations among themselves deteriorate. China’s
Tunisia increasingly isolated under Saied as US loses interest
The president has tried to look abroad to get the country out of its economic crisis, without much success, as his political problems mount. The United States has slashed its military and civilian aid to
IntelBrief: Solutions to the Yemen Conflict Will Remain Elusive in 2023
Yemen’s long-running civil war between the internationally recognized Republic of Yemen Government and the Iran-backed Houthi movement diminished in 2022, but a permanent solution will likely remain elusive in 2023. Two negotiating tracks – one
Sahara occidental: le chef du Front Polisario menace d’intensifier les combats contre le Maroc
Le Front Polisario, mouvement indépendantiste du Sahara Occidental, tient toujours son 16e congrès dans un camp de réfugiés en Algérie. Lors de ce premier congrès depuis la rupture du cessez-le-feu en 2020, Brahim Ghali, secrétaire