Hundreds were trying to evade an ongoing offensive within the country’s northwestern region, when local residents reported their hiding place to the military. The Nigerian military have killed scores of people in an assault against
Naira Scarcity Fueling Bloody Protests In Southwest Nigeria
Crowds of people congregating outside banks, unable to get cash from their accounts because of a sudden cash crunch, have been dispersed by the police across the southwest. In some places these have turned into
Link between crime and politics in South Africa raises concerns about criminal gangs taking over
A report by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime (Gitoc) released in September 2022 argues that South Africa has increasingly become a centre of organised crime, transcending national boundaries. The picture emerging from the
Fatalities from Militant Islamist Violence in Africa Surge by Nearly 50 Percent
Continuing a decade-long upward trend, violent events linked to militant Islamist groups in Africa increased by 22 percent while fatalities surged by 48 percent over the past year. Highlights Violence linked to militant Islamist groups
Hope for jobs drives recruitment by militant groups in Africa – report
Hope of employment more than religious belief is driving people to join fast-growing extremist groups in sub-Saharan Africa, according to a report by the U.N. Development Programme (UNDP) based on interviews with hundreds of former
Sub-Saharan Africa is ‘new epicenter’ of extremism, says UN
The new global epicenter of violent Islamic extremism is sub-Saharan Africa where people are increasingly joining because of economic factors and less for religious ones, says a new report by the U.N.’s international development agency.
Plus de 10 morts dans des affrontements au Somaliland
Plus de 10 personnes ont été tuées lors d’affrontements entre des milices armées loyales au gouvernement somalien et des forces de la République autoproclamée du Somaliland, dans une ville disputée de cette région (nord), ont
L’Angola tente de maintenir un processus de dialogue entre la RDC et le Rwanda
Le président congolais Félix Tshisekedi a été reçu ce lundi 6 février à Luanda par son homologue angolais João Lourenço. Les deux hommes ont échangé sur les tensions persistantes entre Kinshasa et Kigali et les
Sergueï Lavrov en visite au Mali
Le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères est attendu aujourd’hui à Bamako pour une visite de 48 heures. Un déplacement hautement symbolique, censé célébrer la relation bilatérale entre le Mali et la Russie. Il n’est pas
Assimi Goïta pousse un peu plus la Minusma vers la sortie
Le gouvernement malien d’Assimi Goïta a sommé Guillaume Ngefa-Atondoko Andali, le chef de la division des droits de l’homme de la Minusma, de quitter le territoire. Un nouveau départ forcé qui pose la question de