New information from Libyan agencies and demining groups links the Wagner Group to the use of banned landmines and booby traps in Libya in 2019-2020, Human Rights Watch said today. The Wagner Group, a private

New information from Libyan agencies and demining groups links the Wagner Group to the use of banned landmines and booby traps in Libya in 2019-2020, Human Rights Watch said today. The Wagner Group, a private
Insofar as the axle of political contestation in Nigeria is the struggle for power between the northern and southern elite blocs, systemic stability hinges on the moral understanding that power will rotate between the two
Grand Mufti of Egypt Shawki Allam, in a visit to London, made the government’s case about the ongoing threat from the Brotherhood.. Egypt has recently stepped up efforts to clamp down on the Muslim Brotherhood
The Egyptian army has recently made public statements about its operations against militants in the Sinai Peninsula, pointing to a shift in its strategy that had been reliant on local tribes, while refraining from publicly
Le Président de la Transition, SE le Colonel Assimi GOÏTA, Chef de l’État, a présidé, mardi 31 mai 2022, la première session de l’année 2022 du Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature. A l’ordre du jour,
L’espace sahélo-saharien fait face à d’énormes défis en matière sécuritaire, à cause du terrorisme qui met en danger les États de la région. Du Mali au Burkina Faso, en passant par le Niger et allant
L’armée malienne continue de faire l’objet de critiques sans fondement. Ainsi, le 30 mai, la MINUSMA (Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations unies pour la stabilisation au Mali) a publié un rapport indiquant « une augmentation
« Algérie-Maroc : la guerre du gaz » (1/3). Comme ce fut le cas dans les années 1970, Alger se sert aujourd’hui de cette ressource comme d’une arme diplomatique et géostratégique. Difficile, en Algérie, de
African leaders met Saturday to discuss efforts to fight a growing extremist threat and push back against a recent run of military coups on the continent. The summit on ‘Terrorism and Unconstitutional Change’ is organized
Over 500 civilians died in attacks carried out by armed forces and Islamist groups in Mali from January to March this year, the United Nations said in a report on Monday that detailed a rapid