U.S. Africa Command officials believe that al-Shabab militants from Somalia crossed the border into Kenya to conduct an attack on U.S. and Kenyan forces earlier this month in Manda Bay — with the assistance of

U.S. Africa Command officials believe that al-Shabab militants from Somalia crossed the border into Kenya to conduct an attack on U.S. and Kenyan forces earlier this month in Manda Bay — with the assistance of
Somali forces on Friday killed three al-Shabab militants in a fierce gun battle on the outskirts of Bosaso town in northern Somalia, an official said on Saturday.
Al Qaeda’s branch in East Africa, Shabaab, stated yesterday that it’s men have captured a town in the disputed Sanaag region of northern Somalia.
Al-Shabab extremists in Somalia remain “a potent threat” to regional peace and are now manufacturing home-made explosives, expanding their revenue sources and infiltrating government institutions, U.N. experts say.
Al-Shabab militants on Wednesday killed two government officials during an ambush in the outskirts of Bal’ad town in the southern Middle Shabelle region, an officer confirmed.
Three people were killed in a foiled attack Wednesday against a newly established military camp near Mogadishu, Somali army officials said. Troops managed to “fend off two car bombs and a gun raid,” but three