Turkey has begun mediating talks between Somalia and Ethiopia over a port deal Addis Ababa signed with the breakaway region of Somaliland earlier this year, according to four officials familiar with the matter. The negotiations

Turkey has begun mediating talks between Somalia and Ethiopia over a port deal Addis Ababa signed with the breakaway region of Somaliland earlier this year, according to four officials familiar with the matter. The negotiations
Selon l’Agence d’information du Burkina (AIB), l’armée a rapporté que mardi dernier, des centaines de terroristes ont tenté d’intercepter des soldats en mission de ravitaillement près de la localité de Yamba, dans l’Est du Pays.
Moscow has largely taken over the African operations of the paramilitary group, once led by Yevgeny Prigozhin, who was killed after leading an insurrection against Vladimir Putin. For years, Russia covertly propped up authoritarian leaders,
The Houthis reportedly attacked another commercial ship in the Gulf of Aden on Monday, as the Yemeni militia appears to be stepping up attacks on vessels along key maritime routes. The UK Maritime Trade Operations,
The Islamic State group in Somalia’s Puntland region reportedly has gained ground from al-Shabaab, its longtime rival. The IS claims to have taken control of the Al Miskaad mountain range. The groups have vied for
The Horn of Africa States region commands the major waterway, which connects the Indian ocean to the Suez Canal including the chokepoint of Bab El Mandab Straits. It is a troubled region, which neighbors the
In recent weeks, amidst ongoing global crises, Morocco has exemplified compassionate leadership through a decisive humanitarian initiative aimed at Gaza’s Palestinian population. Under the directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, President of the Al
The biggest hunger crisis in the world is unfolding in Sudan. As of now, more than half of the country’s 45 million people urgently need humanitarian assistance. A conflict on this scale should top the
Les Mauritaniens élisent leur prochain président samedi. Le sortant Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani part grand favori pour rester à la tête de ce vaste pays désertique qui a réussi à contenir la propagation jihadiste
Le général Sadiba Koulibaly avait été condamné le 14 juin à cinq ans de prison ferme pour désertion et détention illégale d’armes par un tribunal militaire. L’ancien chef d’état-major de l’armée guinéenne et ex-numéro deux