Ethiopia would harm its own reputation in order to return to its lopsided dependence on Djibouti without alleviating the threat that Egypt poses in Somalia. Djiboutian Foreign Minister Mahamoud Ali Youssouf told the BBC late

Ethiopia would harm its own reputation in order to return to its lopsided dependence on Djibouti without alleviating the threat that Egypt poses in Somalia. Djiboutian Foreign Minister Mahamoud Ali Youssouf told the BBC late
Somalia is trying to become to Ethiopia what Ukraine is to Russia. Sputnik reported that Ethiopian Ministry Affairs spokesman Nebiya Tedla declared on Sunday that “There is no power that can stop Ethiopia from taking
The Sahel region of north Africa may be understood as “one region, many crises.” This statement is taken from a paper first published in 2013 by the UN’s Africa Renewal Project, but it is no
Tensions between Egypt and Ethiopia have increased further after Cairo signed a defense pact with Mogadishu and now Egypt is making moves to send troops, weapons, and ammunition to Somalia. There are already growing concerns
The ongoing rift between political leaders in eastern and western Libya briefly roiled the oil market last week, as both sides seek to control the state’s assets to further their objectives. As has been the
La Chine, qui a progressivement renforcé sa présence dans les missions de l’ONU et à travers ses sociétés de sécurité privées, chercherait désormais à établir une base navale dans le golfe de Guinée. Vous pouvez
Plus de 50 dirigeants africains sont à Pékin autour du président Xi Jinping. Décryptage en vidéo des principaux enjeux de ce 9e sommet Chine-Afrique. « Dans les trois prochaines années, le gouvernement chinois veut fournir
Entre Rabat et Pékin, les échanges commerciaux se sont intensifiés ces dernières années. La Chine voit dans le Maroc la possibilité de contourner les mesures visant à exclure ses produits sur les marchés américains et
Le Forum sur la coopération Chine-Afrique (Focac) s’achève ce vendredi 6 septembre à Pékin. Jeudi, le président chinois Xi Jinping a promis près de 45 milliards d’euros de financement aux pays africains, dont une cinquantaine
As the China-Africa Cooperation Summit (September 4-6, 2024) takes place in China, MEMRI is republishing the article by renowned Ghanaian academic and economist Prof. George Ayittey, titled “Chinese Investments in Africa: Chopsticks Mercantilism.” MEMRI was