An attack in the Malian capital, Bamako, targeting a military police training camp and airport left more than 70 people dead and 200 wounded, security sources said Thursday, one of the highest tolls suffered in

An attack in the Malian capital, Bamako, targeting a military police training camp and airport left more than 70 people dead and 200 wounded, security sources said Thursday, one of the highest tolls suffered in
Après deux jours d’intenses combats dans la région d’Amhara, les rebelles connus sous le nom de « forces Fano » se sont retirés de Gondar, une ville importante du nord du pays. Selon les informations
Saisies il y a près de deux semaines à l’aéroport de Bissau à bord d’un jet privé en provenance du Venezuela, 2,6 tonnes de cocaïne ont été incinérées jeudi 19 septembre par la police judiciaire.
La situation reste tendue dans la province de l’Ituri, dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), après plusieurs affrontements intercommunautaires en début de semaine. Au moins 11 personnes sont décédées dans le territoire
Revendiquée par Al-Qaïda, la double attaque menée mardi contre l’école de gendarmerie et la base aérienne 101 à Bamako aurait fait près de 80 victimes, rapportent jeudi des sources militaires. Un événement d’une ampleur inédite
From a favour for Orban’s son, to murky business and resource deals, to an intelligence hub for Russia, the motives behind Hungary’s planned military mission to Chad remain opaque.You can call it boundless ambition when
KEY TAKEAWAYS Over the past three years, the Sahel and West Africa have seen an alarming number of military coups. With the region’s stability and security hanging in the balance, the international community has promoted
The brutal fratricidal war pitting Cameroon’s soldiers and Anglophone rebels has thrown the lives of victims in a vortex of trauma, disappearances, and killings under the silent gaze of the international community. Two peace plants
Mr Buba, a major general, said the troops also rescued 188 kidnapped hostages, apprehended 45 oil thieves and recovered 151 assorted weapons. The Defence Headquarters (DHQ) on Friday said that troops eliminated 159 terrorists and
In 2011, South Sudan split as a new nation from Sudan as a result of discrimination, inequalities and ethnic conflicts for many years. After Independence it emerged as a new nation, however it brought these