Al-Shabaab, the terrorist group that continues to launch deadly attacks against Somali civilians, Soldiers and international peacekeepers, has reached its 18th anniversary. The group’s long lifespan is significant as an estimated 25% to 74% of

Al-Shabaab, the terrorist group that continues to launch deadly attacks against Somali civilians, Soldiers and international peacekeepers, has reached its 18th anniversary. The group’s long lifespan is significant as an estimated 25% to 74% of
Somalia accused Ethiopia of smuggling weapons on Tuesday amid fears that arms going into the conflict-riven Horn of Africa nation could end up in the hands of Islamist militants. The neighbours traded barbs a day
More than 430 people have died from cholera in the past month, Sudan’s health ministry says, as civil war continues to ravage the country. The number of infections has risen to about 14,000, it said
The recent militant Islamist attack in Bamako is part of a broader push by violent extremist groups into southern Mali and reflective of the deteriorating security in Mali under military rule. Militant Islamist fighters stormed
La junte militaire du Burkina Faso a accusé des personnalités en exil d’orchestrer un complot visant à renverser la junte dirigée par le capitaine Ibrahim Traoré, qui dirige actuellement le pays. Le ministre de la
La Somalie a reçu « la plus grande cargaison d’aide militaire » de l’Egypte depuis que les Nations Unies ont levé leur embargo sur les armes contre le pays en décembre 2023. Selon des informations
Les deux convois de l’armée ne sont pas passés inaperçus dans le désert. Surveillés par les rebelles indépendantistes du Cadre stratégique permanent (CSP), ils ont quitté Gao, dans le nord-est du Mali, à quelques jours
Le chef de la junte malienne a réuni lundi de hauts responsables militaires pour “ajuster la stratégie” et “donner de nouvelles orientations”, six jours après des attaques jihadistes qui ont fait des dizaines de morts
The military ruled states in the Sahel, Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali are seeking to acquire telecoms technology and remote-sensing satellites from Russia as they seek to counter the surge of terrorist activity. Ministers from
The whole Horn could become engulfed in conflict if this proxy war spirals out of control. Somalian Foreign Minister Ahmed Moalim Fiqi recently told local media that his country might back anti-government groups in Ethiopia