Key Takeaways: Assessments: Mali Al Qaeda’s Sahelian branch conducted its first VBIED attack in southern Mali since 2022, likely to support the group’s efforts to isolate a district capital near the border with Mauritania. Al

Key Takeaways: Assessments: Mali Al Qaeda’s Sahelian branch conducted its first VBIED attack in southern Mali since 2022, likely to support the group’s efforts to isolate a district capital near the border with Mauritania. Al
Key Takeaways: Assessments:Togo. Russia and Togo are increasing ties as the Kremlin aims to expand its influence beyond the Sahel in West Africa. French-based investigative news site Africa Intelligence reported on February 19 that a
Key Takeaways: Assessments:Sahel ISSP has expanded its areas of control and established itself as a hub for foreign fighters from North Africa and Europe since early 2023, which increases the group’s transnational threat risk. ISSP
Governments and international bodies have tried to eliminate the outbreaks of cholera for many years, but another wave has hit some countries in Africa. How realistic are the measures taken to stop the spread of
Key Takeaways: Assessments:Togo. Russia and Togo are increasing ties as the Kremlin aims to expand its influence beyond the Sahel in West Africa. French-based investigative news site Africa Intelligence reported on February 19 that a
Key Takeaway: The Nigerien junta is continuing to grow closer to the Kremlin and may deploy Russian mercenaries in Niger to respond to the deteriorating security situation in the country in the coming months. A
Coupures d’internet en Afrique : la Côte d’Ivoire et d’autres pays touchés par des câbles sous-marins défectueux Plusieurs pays africains ont subi d’importantes coupures d’internet ce jeudi 14 mars, en raison de la défaillance de
La situation sécuritaire et humanitaire est restée préoccupante ce mardi 12 mars dans les groupements Bashali Mokoto, en territoire de Masisi, et groupement Mutanda dans le territoire de Rutshuru (Nord-Kivu), des entités nouvellement conquises par
La Communauté économique des États de l’Afrique centrale (CEEAC) a annoncé qu’elle réintégrait le Gabon, suspendu au lendemain du coup d’État de l’armée qui avait renversé le 30 août 2023 le président Ali Bongo Ondimba,
L’opposition peine à faire émerger des candidats susceptibles de rivaliser avec le chef de l’Etat sortant, dont le mandat se termine en octobre, alors que plusieurs de ses leaders ont été emprisonnés. En Tunisie, à