Men in army uniform ransacked and burned homes in Nigeria’s oil-producing Delta state days after youths killed 16 soldiers sent there to resolve a land dispute, residents said, but the defence chief denied military involvement.

Chad’s opposition fears France will maintain status quo after elections
As elections approach in Chad, the country’s civil society fears that nothing will change. The vote should mark the country’s transition back to democracy after three years of military government, but the opposition says France,

‘Russia’s African lab’: How Putin won over Burkina Faso after French adieu
Russia has been increasing its influence in Burkina Faso, where disillusionment with French politics has left a void. In the heart of Burkina Faso’s capital, Ouagadougou, a poster advertising free Russian language courses has been

RDC : huit Casques bleus blessés dans une attaque à Sake, dans le Nord-Kivu
Le Secrétaire général de l’ONU et sa Représentante spéciale en République démocratique du Congo ont condamné une attaque, samedi, contre des Casques bleus à Sake, dans la province orientale du Nord-Kivu, qui a fait huit

Mali: attaque jihadiste meurtrière près de Sikasso, bavure de l’armée à Amasrakad près de Gao
Au Mali, le week-end du 16-17 mars 2024 a été chargé sur le plan sécuritaire. Les jihadistes du Jnim ont attaqué samedi un camp militaire à Danderesso, région de Sikasso, dans le sud du pays.

Mapping a Surge of Disinformation in Africa
Disinformation campaigns seeking to manipulate African information systems have surged nearly fourfold since 2022, triggering destabilizing and antidemocratic consequences. The proliferation of disinformation is a fundamental challenge to stable and prosperous African societies. The scope

Chad: Junta-nominated prime minister to run for president
Succès Masra, a former opposition leader, signed a reconciliation deal with President Mahamat Déby Itno before becoming prime minister this year. Chad’s junta-appointed prime minister on Sunday, March 10, said he would contest the May

Haiti Sees Waves Of Violence, As Security Council Condemns Gang Attacks
Waves of violence have displaced more than 15,000 Haitians in just a week amid ongoing looting at the country’s main port, according to the latest report from the UN agency for migration, as the Security

Archbishop Of Port-Au-Prince: ‘There Is Real Danger Of Civil War In Haiti’
The archbishop of Port-au-Prince and president of the Haitian Bishops’ Conference, Max Leroy Mésidor, shared his perspective on the difficult situation facing his country and the pastoral work of the Church in the midst of

Is Ethiopia A Failed State? – OpEd
As it stands, the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Ethiopian state are both severely compromised. Constitutionally, the ethnic states constituting the Ethiopian Federation behave as if they were sovereign and in some cases vehemently