The Horn of Africa States and India have a long history together although this is not talked about much. It was not only commerce and trade that connected them but they were connected as people

The Horn of Africa States and India have a long history together although this is not talked about much. It was not only commerce and trade that connected them but they were connected as people
Fighting around the capital Khartoum has been ongoing since the war in Sudan broke out in April 2023. Sudan’s army chief visited on Sunday his headquarters in the capital Khartoum, two days after forces recaptured
A security source said the soldiers were killed as they fought to repel the terrorist attack, which lasted more than three hours At least 20 soldiers died on Friday as terrorists attacked a Nigerian military
His orange henna-dyed beard and striking eyewear would make him easy to pick out in a crowd, but Abdul Qadir Mumin has remained elusive. The Somali leader of the Islamic State (IS) group has in
Active Terror organization: Islamic State in Somalia. Status: Emir of the Islamic State in Somalia. Role: He is a Somali Islamist and the leader of the Islamic State in Somalia. He was formerly a senior
Au moins neuf soldats nigérians ont été tués dans des affrontements avec les jihadistes de Boko Haram dans le nord-est du Nigeria, quelques jours après les meurtres de dizaines d’agriculteurs par un groupe jihadiste rival,
Les avoirs éventuels aux Etats-Unis du général Al-Bourhane sont désormais gelés, et Washington interdit toute transaction avec lui. Les Etats-Unis ont annoncé, jeudi 16 janvier, des sanctions contre le chef des forces armées soudanaises (FAS),
The United Nations human rights chief on Friday warned that the war in Sudan is becoming “more dangerous” for civilians, following reports of army-allied militias carrying out ethnic-based attacks on minorities. “The situation for civilians
Installée depuis trois décennies au Niger, Eva Gretzmacher a été kidnappée à Agadez, dans le nord du pays. Selon des médias locaux, des hommes armés ont fait irruption à son domicile avant de l’emmener en
En RDC, les affrontements qui opposent les militaires congolais et leurs alliés au groupe armé M23, soutenu par le Rwanda voisin, se sont intensifiés ces derniers jours. Plusieurs fronts ont été ouverts dans la province