Mass defections crippled JAS, one of two Boko Haram factions, but the same fate is unlikely to befall ISWAP. The death of Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau in 2021 triggered unprecedented exits from one of

Mass defections crippled JAS, one of two Boko Haram factions, but the same fate is unlikely to befall ISWAP. The death of Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau in 2021 triggered unprecedented exits from one of
This is not the first time such an attack has been recorded. On the eve of the swearing-in of Nigeria’s newly elected leaders in May 2023, some Yoruba Nation agitators hijacked the airwaves of Amuludun
A bomb that was planted by the Islamic State of the West African group in a building located in the Dogon Gida village, along the route between Krenowa and Marte in Borno State, exploded, resulting
MALI ( BAMAKO) Le dimanche 14/04 à 15h30, une cinquantaine de terroristes de la Katiba Macina (JNIM) ont effectué une attaque complexe sur un camp Dan Na Ambassagou sur la RN15 entre Bandiagara (Mopti) et
En recevant cette visite, le président ivoirien, préoccupé par les tensions avec le Mali, le Burkina Faso et le Niger, prouve qu’il accepte de parler avec tous les pays, y compris ceux dirigés par des
Au Burundi, les évêques dénoncent la tentation du “monopartisme”, les exécutions extrajudiciaires, la “corruption” et “l’impunité” dans le pays, à un an des élections législatives. C’était dans un message lu dimanche, 14 avril dans les
Le jeune général a été proclamé par l’armée président de la transition le 20 avril 2021, à la tête d’une junte de quinze généraux, à la mort de son père. Le scrutin devrait se dérouler
Suspected Islamist rebels killed at least 10 civilians in an attack on Friday near the city of Beni in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, local authorities and a U.N. source said. The assailants fired guns
The transitional president of military-led Chad launched a campaign Sunday for a May presidential election he is likely to win, after his main rivals were ousted from the race. On the first day of campaigning,
The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) gained control of the main headquarters of the joint force in Mellit of north Darfur state on Sunday following heavy clashes broke out between armed movements and the paramilitary forces.