Tension in Tripoli following abduction of Brigade 444 senior commander

Tension in Tripoli following abduction of Brigade 444 senior commander

The southern suburbs of Tripoli, especially Salah Al-Deen area, which is considered the most prominent stronghold of Brigade 444, are witnessing a state of tension, as a group of the Special Deterrence Force (SDF) kidnapped a senior commander from the Brigade, Musab Zreig.

According to security sources, Zreig was with his family on the “Corniche of Tripoli” in the center of the capital when the armed group kidnapped him and took him to an unknown destination. As a result, the Brigade mobilized its forces, hinting at an escalation in the event that the abducted senior commander was not released.

The sources said that the SDF carried out the operation in response to the arrest of Ahmed Al-Shaftari, the driver of Mohammed Al-Kani, the boss of Al-Kani militia, who is wanted by the Attorney General for murder.

According to the sources, Al-Shaftari returned from eastern Libya, where Al-Kani militia took refuge after fleeing Tarhouna in June 2020. He joined the SDF and was appointed as a battalion commander. He was tasked with establishing an SDF unit in Tarhouna.

The sources added that forces that are affiliated with the SDF moved from Bani Walid and Tarhouna to Tripoli, but the forces of the Brigade 444 blocked the road, and “the situation is still tense between the two parties.”