Forming a Unity Government May be Libya’s Best Bet for Healing Rift

Forming a Unity Government May be Libya’s Best Bet for Healing Rift

Libyan politicians have floated a plan to put together an interim government. The UN and other external actors should support this step toward breaking the country’s political deadlock. Libya’s political crisis took a new turn after its House of Representatives, based in the eastern city of Tobruk, approved a plan to appoint an interim government that would reunify the country’s two parallel executives as part of a roadmap to general elections. House members made this decision with backing from representatives of the rival Tripoli-based assembly, the High State Council, and from east-based military strongman Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar. If it garners sufficient support, the plan could be an important step toward healing the rift that has placed Libya under the split administration of two separate authorities for much of the past decade. But it still faces significant obstacles, with influential critics both inside and outside Libya. Opponents say the plan undermines already faltering efforts to hold elections and risks shattering a peace that has lasted for a year despite the deep divisions in the country. Western governments and some Libyans want Libya to hold general elections first, before forming a government, and so does the UN. But they find themselves at odds with the so-called 6+6 Committee, which was established by and comprises members of both the House and Council, and is tasked with drafting a roadmap to fresh polls as well as a set of laws to govern them. The UN has supported the Committee in helping prepare for fresh polls. But despite the UN’s insistence on holding elections before putting together a government – which would leave the two parallel administrations in place for the time being – the 6+6 Committee concluded in its deliberations that an interim unity government is a necessary first step. It drafted a plan to that effect, which the House and Council then adopted. Proponents of the plan make a solid case that their effort is the most promising way to bring the country back together, given the challenges (some would say impossibility) of holding elections while governance is divided between two competing entities. But it remains to be seen whether their plan is viable – something that will depend in part on external support. If the process of selecting a prime minister to form this government is clear and transparent, international actors, including the UN, should endorse this course of action, which presents a concrete path for moving Libya beyond the political stalemate that has plagued it for so long. Toward a New Unity Government? At the heart of debates about the new plan stands the unresolved matter of Libya’s reunification. Since an international coalition ousted the Muammar Qadhafi regime in 2011, Libya has lurched from one predicament to another. In 2014, contested parliamentary elections in effect split the country in two, with one power centre forming in the capital, Tripoli, and the other in Tobruk. Fighting broke out intermittently between the two camps, with forces under Haftar’s command laying siege to Tripoli in April 2019. A ceasefire the following October ushered in the formation of a unified interim government. But the unity did not last. In February 2022, following botched elections two months earlier, a deal between the House and Council to replace the Tripoli-based government of Prime Minister Abdulhamid Dabaiba collapsed, and the House asked Fathi Bashagha to form a parallel government. The country has been split between two rival administrations since then, with precious little agreement either inside or outside the country about how to knit them back together. In Tripoli sits the Dabaiba government, which enjoys international recognition despite its failure to hold scheduled elections in December 2021, controlling most of western Libya. The parallel authority (which Russia has welcomed but no government has recognised) administers eastern Libya from Sirte, backed by the House in Tobruk as well as Haftar. In March, the House removed Bashagha, replacing him with his finance minister, Osama Hamad, in an acting capacity. ” Local and international actors continue to disagree about the best way to bring [Libya] back under a single government. ” Local and international actors continue to disagree about the best way to bring the country back under a single government – whether through fresh elections, a power-sharing deal or a new constitution. The elections-first approach is enshrined in UN Security Council Resolution 2656 (2022), which “recognises the desire of the Libyan people to have their say in who governs them through elections” – language that partly explains the UN’s present opposition to creating a unity government. Likewise, there are persistent divergences over who should lead reunification efforts: the rival assemblies, the principal political actors on the ground or a new UN-led forum. The 2015 UN-backed Libyan Political Agreement states that the country’s rival assemblies must agree on any major decision about the country’s political future. But in 2021 it was a UN-led body, which included members of the two assemblies and other representatives of Libya’s factions, that selected Dabaiba as interim prime minister. Moves toward the present juncture began in late May, prompted by the deliberations of the 6+6 Committee. The Committee was formed in early March and comprises six members of the House of Representatives (Libya’s parliament elected in 2014) and six from the Tripoli-based High State Council (an advisory body created in 2016 by members of Libya’s first post-Qadhafi assembly elected in 2012). Two months later, it stated that it had reached agreement on an electoral roadmap and supporting legislation. To the surprise of those who believed the 6+6 Committee’s charge was to pave a straight road to elections, it conditioned the two assemblies’ endorsement of the election laws upon the prior appointment of a unity government. Calls for forming an interim unity government were not new. House Speaker Aghila Saleh and Council Chair Khaled Mishri had publicly endorsed the idea in preceding months. The two men, once adversaries, and their allies in the rival assemblies agreed on the need for a new prime minister to replace Dabaiba. Yet it is unclear if what drove them was real enthusiasm for a unified government to organise elections or simply animosity toward Dabaiba, who by late 2021 had lost the support of members of the House and by early 2023 also of the Council. On 16 June, Haftar added his voice to the mix, saying the country needed an interim government of technocrats to oversee elections and unify the country. The 6+6 Committee says the time is right to form the interim unified government because it has resolved key disputes such as those over the sequencing of presidential and parliamentary elections and eligibility requirements for presidential candidates. This claim is only partly true. The Committee’s members are in agreement on these matters, but neither the House nor the Council has accepted the proposed election laws that the committee drafted. The Committee scheduled a signing ceremony for the electoral laws on 6 June in Morocco, where its members had been negotiating behind closed doors; the speakers of both assemblies travelled to Morocco but stayed away from the ceremony, which was cancelled at the last minute. House Speaker Saleh subsequently explained to Crisis Group that he opposed the Committee’s provision for a mandatory second round in the presidential election even if a candidate wins more than 50 per cent of the vote in the first round. According to other politicians, another point of contention is whether and when a presidential candidate should have to renounce a second nationality (a potential issue because of Haftar’s reported U.S. citizenship). With these matters still outstanding, neither assembly has yet officially endorsed the electoral laws the Committee submitted, but the latter appears undeterred. Apparently bypassing these setbacks, the 6+6 Committee nevertheless went ahead and drafted a separate document laying out the terms of reference and selection process for a new interim government, as part of its electoral roadmap. It is this new text to which House members gave their preliminary approval on 25 July (the Council had already endorsed it earlier in the month). ” [The] approved proposal for forming a unity government envisages full cooperation between the two rival assemblies in selecting an interim prime minister. ” This approved proposal for forming a unity government envisages full cooperation between the two rival assemblies in selecting an interim prime minister. Candidates would need to secure formal endorsements (tazkiyat) from at least fifteen House and ten Council members. Next, the House and Council memberships would each vote for candidates from the list. The winner would need to secure the combined highest number of votes. The plan might well still change. Several House members have said the Council should not be part of this arrangement, on the grounds that it is merely a consultative body. Some have also argued that selecting a government should happen only after the House has formally approved the election laws, with Council backing. They accordingly questioned the plan’s legal validity. In response, and to reassure House members, the House speaker argued that while the Council will share responsibility for selecting the candidate for the interim prime minister’s post, only the House will have the power to ratify or reject the selected candidate; he is right, because Libyan law provides that only parliament can give confidence to a government.